Monday 6 June 2011

Good Day And Bad Day

Hello! Ok, my last post was about me going to the beach. Here is the story. So yesterday, we got ready. We packed up our things and were ready to leave. We picked Navreet and Sukh up. My cousin Tejpal and Navreet's grandma joined us. When we were there, the beach was CLOSED!!! We were so disappointed! Then, my mom decided for all of us to go to the Leisure Center! We were so excited. My mom, dad, baby brother and Navreet's grandma did not swim. Me, Navreet and my sister managed to get on the Safari Splash Slide! The 3rd biggest slide. The green slide is very easy! I did not go on the THUNDER! Anyways, it was very fun. After, we got Mcdonalds. Me and Navreet had a Big Mac, the rest had a cheeseburger. My dad had a McFlurry. It was good because we got to go the the Leisure Center but It was bad that the beach was closed!                                  

Good and Bad! (mostly good)

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