Tuesday 26 April 2011

He's Here!!!!

Hey guys, my last post I said he's coming home... and now he's home!!! He's downstairs drinking milk and he is so cute. That's all I wanted to say.... HE'S HERE!!!!!

Saturday 23 April 2011

New Baby Brother

Thursday was the best day ever.... do you guys want to know why, cause I got a new baby brother!!! It's so cute and chubby!!!!!!!!! It was born Thursday.. and it very light like all baby's are when their tiny. Ok, 20 minutes ago... I just went to go see it for like, 2-3 hours. It is so cute!! Wish I could just shower the little guy with kisses. I'm going to make my profile pic me holding him, can't do it now cause it's not home yet. He's coming home tomorrow, I think. Anyways, if you guys have facebook.. my name is Simran Dhillon... my profile pic is Selena Gomez... well not for long..... SUPER BABY'S COMING!!! Lol... I'm going to make all my profile pics me holding my adorable, cuddly baby. I just love him sooo much, =)!!!!!!

Sunday 17 April 2011

Book Review

Hi guys, so I just did a book review on the book " Pet Trouble-Mud-puddle-poodle". It is a very good book but I just did my book review until Chapter 5.. cause I didn't read the whole book.
You guys should read the book. I got it from my school library and ir rocks!!!!

Pet Trouble-Mud-Puddle Poodle

Dance Show

Ok, yesterday was my dance show!! It was like so much fun..... especially the dancing. There was Jasmine.B at my dance show( she's in my class). She got a haircut! Her hair was like almost up to her waist.... but yesterday her hair was up to her shoulders. I was the first one to see it. Anyways, the party was up to 12:00 pm... but I made my family leave like at... 9:00 pm. The reason was that we were going to go anyways, but then the DJ said that there is dinner, so don't go in a microphone. Then my family decided to stay... suddenly, when I was drinking coke.. these two boys crashed into me and made me spill all the coke on my dress, my face, my hair, and my jacket. I told my mom, I need to go home now.... and my mom was like sure. When we were driving home, my mom was a bit mad at me that I made her and my family go home. But, whatever.. when I got home.. I took a nice, steamy shower. My ears were ringing.. music sooo LOUD!!!!    

Saturday 9 April 2011

Dance Class

Ok, I just came back from my dance class, and since I'm Panjabi, I go to Indian dance class. Our show is next Saturday and I'm excited and not scared at all.
The reason I'm not scared is because  I was in Panjabi dance class for a long time, so I have performed 3 times already.
My sister just joined in, like.... November, 2010. She is nervous cause she has never performed yet. My cousin who also joined when I joined, is not nervous cause she has done this 2 times. We joined together, you people must be wondering... how come she performed 2 times and Simran performed 3 times when they joined at the same time.
Well, it's like this, the second time I performed, she was not performing with me...
but she was watching me with my whole family. The reason is that she went to India after 4 classes and she didn't remember any step, so she just watched. I am like so..... EXCITED!!!!

Crossing Park School

Crossing Park School is the school I go to. It is in Calgary, AB and I was in it since first grade. Crossing Park School isn't a bad school, the only thing bad about it is the cafeteria food is a bit pricy.
Ok, the pizza is $2.25, that isn't bad for a slice of pizza.
The ice-cream is a dollar and it always stayed like that. The popcicles are also a dollar.
This is the pricy one, a burger is 3 dollars. It used to be $2.50.
The chicken fried rice is very, very delicious and it is... ok, I really don't remember cause I'm on Spring Break. There is a alot more food but I really don't remember. I think everything is pricy because of our new principal, Mrs.Weber. There used to be the nicest principal ever, Mrs.Sigelet, I think that's how we spell it. Anyways, that is a some info about our school.
Bird view of our school.